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mailboxalert 0.5

Got a bug submission for mailbox alert: mailbox alert < 0.4 puts a space before every argument of the specified command. Of course this breaks commands that include options, since the first character is no longer a ‘-’. Version 0.5 fixes this. Mailbox Alert.

mailboxalert 0.5

Got a bug submission for mailbox alert: mailbox alert < 0.4 puts a space before every argument of the specified command. Of course this breaks commands that include options, since the first character is no longer a ‘-’. Version 0.5 fixes this. Mailbox Alert.

mailboxalert 0.6

And right after the bugfix release, i got some feature requests. So here’s version 0.6 :) Gogogogo

mailboxalert 0.6

And right after the bugfix release, i got some feature requests. So here’s version 0.6 :) Gogogogo

clcms 0.6

And yet another [clcms]( release. Please see the changelog on the project page for additions. Most important ones are that page.meta files are now called page.attr files, and file name options have been moved to attr: lines in the .page files themselves. This means that it is not backwards compatible with 0.5 sites if they use page.meta files or filename extension options. For the latter case there is a script (convert_extension_options.

clcms 0.6

And yet another [clcms]( release. Please see the changelog on the project page for additions. Most important ones are that page.meta files are now called page.attr files, and file name options have been moved to attr: lines in the .page files themselves. This means that it is not backwards compatible with 0.5 sites if they use page.meta files or filename extension options. For the latter case there is a script (convert_extension_options.


The 0.5 version of clcms does not produce strict html (there are some badly placed p’s near headers and lists). It has been fixed in trunk, expect a minor update soon.


The 0.5 version of clcms does not produce strict html (there are some badly placed p’s near headers and lists). It has been fixed in trunk, expect a minor update soon.

clcms 0.5

I have had some requests to change the wiki syntax to that of Wikipedia, so here’s a start. New version of clcms! The only real change is the aforementioned wiki syntax change, but it is already more advanced and flexible than the initial one. There’s an update script to translate your pages, so please don’t be mad about the broken backwards compatibility :) clcms has been retired (direct download Changelog)

clcms 0.5

I have had some requests to change the wiki syntax to that of Wikipedia, so here’s a start. New version of clcms! The only real change is the aforementioned wiki syntax change, but it is already more advanced and flexible than the initial one. There’s an update script to translate your pages, so please don’t be mad about the broken backwards compatibility :) clcms has been retired (direct download Changelog)