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mozilla addons

I got into the Mozilla extensions list :) See?. This will probably mean that i’ll stop providing an update feed from here, but i’m not sure about that yet. If so, i’ll make one in-between version to point to theirs.

mozilla addons

I got into the Mozilla extensions list :) See?. This will probably mean that i’ll stop providing an update feed from here, but i’m not sure about that yet. If so, i’ll make one in-between version to point to theirs.

mailboxalert 0.8

Big additions to Mailbox Alert! I’ve added an option to use the internal alert service from mozilla, which shows an alert suited to your system, with the icon you select. You can also specify a sound to be played now. Of course, calling an external tool is still possible. It should also be a lot more user-friendly now, with browse buttons etc. I think this is the last major feature addition before 1.

mailboxalert 0.8

Big additions to Mailbox Alert! I’ve added an option to use the internal alert service from mozilla, which shows an alert suited to your system, with the icon you select. You can also specify a sound to be played now. Of course, calling an external tool is still possible. It should also be a lot more user-friendly now, with browse buttons etc. I think this is the last major feature addition before 1.

mailboxalert 0.7

There’s a second version of the windows Popup tool out, and i’ve built some better error messages for Mailbox Alert. check it out.

mailboxalert 0.7

There’s a second version of the windows Popup tool out, and i’ve built some better error messages for Mailbox Alert. check it out.

Stealth Dialog

A friend of mine, who wishes to remain anonymous, whipped up some c++ code to show a popup from the system tray, so you can have nice messages in Windows You can download the source and binary at the bottom of the Mailbox Alert page.

Stealth Dialog

A friend of mine, who wishes to remain anonymous, whipped up some c++ code to show a popup from the system tray, so you can have nice messages in Windows You can download the source and binary at the bottom of the Mailbox Alert page.

Notification Tool for Windows

If anyone knows of a command-line tool to show notification messages in Windows (2k, XP) or if anyone has built something like that (i guess with the Shell_NotifyIcon() call or something), please let me know, so i can refer to it from my Mailbox Alert page as an alternative to libnotify/kdialog/gmessage etc.

Notification Tool for Windows

If anyone knows of a command-line tool to show notification messages in Windows (2k, XP) or if anyone has built something like that (i guess with the Shell_NotifyIcon() call or something), please let me know, so i can refer to it from my Mailbox Alert page as an alternative to libnotify/kdialog/gmessage etc.