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Just a thought that came up during a RIPE meeting; It’s interesting how “There’s no problem that cannot be solved by adding another layer of abstraction” has changed with the Web 2.0 phenomenon to “There’s no problem that cannot be solved by starting a Wiki”.


Just a thought that came up during a RIPE meeting; It’s interesting how “There’s no problem that cannot be solved by adding another layer of abstraction” has changed with the Web 2.0 phenomenon to “There’s no problem that cannot be solved by starting a Wiki”.


##BookCrossing## I know this is kind of off-topic here, but I wanted to share this anyway. Once or twice a month I walk up to my mailbox (it’s a bit out of my normal route, since I usually enter my building from the back of the apartment building, and the mailbox is at the front door). Because of this, I am used that there are quite a few letters and overdue bills stacked up in there.


##BookCrossing## I know this is kind of off-topic here, but I wanted to share this anyway. Once or twice a month I walk up to my mailbox (it’s a bit out of my normal route, since I usually enter my building from the back of the apartment building, and the mailbox is at the front door). Because of this, I am used that there are quite a few letters and overdue bills stacked up in there.